I can't force light mode in Scribus 1.7.0

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This is my first post in this forum. First of all, thanks for developing this great software. I hope I have placed my issue in the right category.

As soon as it was released, I installed Scribus 1.7.0, and because my Windows is in dark mode, the whole interface of Scribus turned automatically to dark mode. However, I'd like to be able to force Scribus to light mode. It might not make sense, but for esthetic reasons, I keep Windows in dark mode, though I definitely prefer to have my programmes in light mode.

I remember that, when qBitTorrent recently switched to qt6, they had the same problem and I'm guessing it's also the same cause. Apparently it's possible to allow users to select a particular mode regardless whether they have light or dark mode in Windows, but I don't know the technicalities, as I'm not a developer myself.

So, I'm hoping this can be implemented in a feature release.



We'll probably add the ability to force a light/dark mode in 1.7.1. It's not a problem as such, we'd just need to add the feature. We already have a feature tracking this at https://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=17391


That's great news! Is there are an estimated date for 1.7.1?

Also, if I have another issue or if I want to make a request, should I report it here or in this other forum you've shown me?

Before I wrote my first message, I checked if I had an old Scribus account, and all I found was an account on something called "Mantis Bug Tracker" or something like that. My details didn't work to access this forum and that's why I created a new account.


We only just released 1.7.0 (note it's supposed to be a development version, although likely pretty stable for most work. We'd still recommend keeping 1.6.3 around for real work).

There is an account called DavidGDFC on bugs.scribus.net that I can reset the password of, if you like.

Forums is more where help is received, ideas discussed etc. bugs.scribus.net is where we actually track bugs and feature requests.


Thanks! It looks like my account for the bugs website still works, though I opened it a long time ago and I had forgotten about it.

I think I should be fine sticking to the development branch, as I love the new interface. I don't need Scribus for professional reasons: I'd just would like to learn to create nice documents.

Any advice on where to start in terms of tutorials or guides?