Editing grouped objects and contour line

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Hello. Sorry for my Google / Selfmade-English.
I have the following problems/questions with the subsequent editing of grouped objects in Scribus 1.6.1 under Linux:

I often have to fill pages where a photo including a caption underneath has to be inserted into / on the text.
Then the image section and the length of the caption have to be changed.

It seems that this only works if I ungroup the object. When I have finished editing and want to group it again, the contour line is lost.
How can I solve this better?


1. For my library, I make a picture frame and caption including contour lines. Then I group it and add it to my library. (pic01.jpg)

2. I write a text and drag the grouped photo and description from my library onto my text. The contour of the grouped object is retained. (pic02.jpg).

3. Now I want to edit the grouped object, e.g.
a) change the top frame of the image so that the image frame (in height) becomes smaller or larger vertically
b) change the caption and lengthen or shorten the text frame.

Of course, the contour lines of the two grouped objects (image and text frame) should be retained.

How do you do that?

I currently have to ungroup and then edit the elements. As can be seen on pic03.jpg, the contour line remains.
But if I then regroup, the contour is removed and I have to adjust it manually again.
see pic04.jpg and 5

Is there a better way, perhaps without ungrouping the entire group?

Possibly with the "Link Objects" or "Adjust Group" commands?



personally, most of the time i avoid getting text to float around images.
having images of the same width of the column or a multiple of columns mostly give a better result.

if you're interested on doing this with scribus, please upload a .sla with some fake texts and frames (no need to upload the images in them...) and i can check if what i'm suggesting might fit to your document.

this having been said...

  • you can select single items in a group by using the alt key (or with the outline palette...)
  • when the text item is selected, you can use the "e" key to enter the edit mode and type your new text
  • when the image frame is selected, use ctrl-i (or the file menu) to load a new image (or the "e" key to scale the image and/or moving it around inside of the frame)
  • currently, if you modify the size of the frame, the flow will not get updated (see https://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=17355)


From the main menu select the entry Windows. In the drop down menu look for the Outline entry. and select that one.
In the panel that opens (resize as needed) and scroll through the list to find the  group you need to edit.  Click the + to expand and show the  objects in the group, then click the text entry. The selected entry should show as selected in the group. You can now double click to edit the text, you should see the text cursor where in the text that you clicked.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist