Feature Request: Font Folders

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One thing which I dislike about Scribus is its font management, and especially having to scroll through hundreds if not thousands of fonts and font families in order to select the handful which I want to work with in a given document.

This is apparently a long-standing request, but I'm still having to scroll through a list of every font installed on my machine, including hundreds which I never asked for, to find the one I want.

What I'd prefer is to be able to specify a "project fonts" working folder specific to that project and which could be duplicated for other, similar projects with the same subject matter or for the same organization. As an alternative, perhaps you could implement a design feature of Word, where fonts already in use within an active document appear at the top of the font requester?

Thank you.


hi ehbowen

you're right. if you don't us a system wide font manager, scribus needs a bit too many clicks to disable the fonts you don't use. but once reduced to the most used fonts in scribus general settings, you may reduce the list (and apply supplementary fonts just project wise where needed...)
as you linked to the old forum post, i guess you saw my post there...

but as many ui changes are underway at the moment, it might be worth checking the old feature requests and revitalize the most promising of them.
