Style and font size

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I just tried 1.6.2 on Windows, with the same result, am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?


hi kees

could you share an affected .sla file and the used font?



Here are the .sla and the font, zip'd


Took a look at the file. Is there a reason that there is 60+ character styles defined?
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


hi kees

there must be some direct formatting in your file which overrides the settings from the paragraph style.
i opened the file, selected the strange paragraph on page five and clicked on 'remove direct paragraph formatting' in the 'text properties'. then the font size changed.



Thank you both for your replies
@AdmFubar the styles came with 1.6.2, I only created one style
@utnik I'm out for the weekend, will have a look at it when I'm back


if you only created one, them most likely your file may have acquired an error. How old is your system?
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist