Start with page 0 in exported PDF

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My book starts in the PDF version with the cover page

So when I jump in the PDF to page 120, on the page is written 119.

Is it possible, that the PDF starts counting the page with 0 at the jump to page menu?
Founder of PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Founder and CEO of


Page numbers in a PDF as far as I understand is a complex story. A PDF can tell you both logical and physical page numbers. But I'm not sure if Scribus can handle both. Since Scribus is mainly targeted at printing I don't think it has been given high priority.

Here's how it can be done with Acrobat

Google told me there seems to be a few programs (save Acrobat) that can adjust page numbering in i PDF, but I haven't looked at them (most seemed to be Windows only).


hi founder,

if you have a look at

you will see that it is indeed possible to have a correct numbering of the pages (at least evince shows the first pages as i, ii, ... xx, and then starts with 1.

in evince, when i want "go" to a specific page, i can type the correct number and get to the right page. and the display is correct.

now, the document itself *is* the PDF reference... if you manage to find in there how to correctly set the page numbering, i'm sure that there will be a dev who will do the programming!

have fun


Section 8.3.1, Page labels

QuoteEach page in a PDF document is identified by an integer page index that expresses
the page's relative position within the document. In addition, a document may
optionally define page labels (PDF 1.3) to identify each page visually on the screen
or in print. Page labels and page indices need not coincide: the indices are fixed,
running consecutively through the document starting from 0 for the first page,
but the labels can be specified in any way that is appropriate for the particular

There is also the syntax for how it is done (it seems it's more or less just a cross reference table in the beginning of the file).

I guess the problem here is how to tell Scribus what text to use as a page label for the page? Maybe a starter would be to at least use the page number according to the section page numbering in Scribus?


i think that scribus should use the numbering as defined in the sections, yes!


Quote from: a.l.e on May 23, 2012, 09:34:31 AM
hi founder,

if you have a look at

In this PDF, there is a chapter list on the left side.
How can I produce such a list in Scibus?
Founder of PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Founder and CEO of


At the moment you can't.

As been said over and over again: Scribus has been primarily designed to create contents for print.

TOC and logical page numbers are things that are not needed for print, thus they haven't been given high priority.