How to view Error Logs for Scipts run in Scribus

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Hello Everyone,

Is there a way or file where the Error Logs are stored in Scribus for the scripts we write in Python

At present the Scribus applications just crashes or just freezes with the loader and then we need to force close it



hello everyone - would appreciate if anyone can help on this

Thank you


back from my holidays...

as far as i know, python does not log the erros to disk.

of course, you can catch all errors and write the exceptions to a file... but i'm not sure it's a good idea..

but if you start scribus from a terminal / console, you should be able to see the error from your python scripts.
on linux you will be able to redirect them to a text file.

this having been said, scribus should not crash because of programming errors in python scripts: do you have any example?
on the other side, if you happen to create an infinite loop, then, yes, you have a problem and need to force the closing of scribus (and you better do it before the script eats up all the resources...)

for what is worth, in the recent past, i've tried to start the scripts inside of a python debugger or to attach a debugger to a running script but had no luck with it.
that would be the right solution, if it worked.

personally when creating complex script, i first import a mock of the scripter API and run them outside of scribus.
(the mock only contains the few scribus commands i have already used in my "complex" scripts)
in this way, i have much faster developing cycle and i can stick to my habits when debugging.