Transifex updates

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In Transifex new texts have been added (recently) to ScribusStable while the trunc branch Scribus remained untouched.

What is the status of the Transifex branches ScribusStable and Scribus and which translation(s) are we supposed to keep up-to-date?

How can translators discover possible inconsistencies between the two branches?


ScribusStable (in Transifex) is the 1.6.x stable code branch. It doesn't mean translations are 100% locked in but are mostly unchanging. We'll be releasing 1.6.3 soon enough. Worth keeping it 100% up to date.

Scribus (in Transifex) is the 1.7.x branch and is definitely not stable. Lots changing here in the UI. Likely we will release 1.7.0 without calling for translation updates. Update at will.