Scribus 1.6.2 - drag-drop files to open

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I've always been using the "drag and drop" to open files: I find this way to open the files very useful especially with eps, pdf, svg, and other vectorial files. I drag the files over the empty interface or even in a special position if there is a file already open.

I've been using it in all versions up to 1.6.1. Now after installing the 1.6.2 version it does not work anymore: if I drag the file over the Scribus 1.6.2 (empty) interface I get a forbid icon and the file does not open...

I could get back to 1.6.1 but I would like to use always the latest version  ;D




On Linux, I could drop a random SVG from Geeqie to a Scribus 1.6.2 newly created empty file.

You might want to try harder or, if the error persists, give us more details about your setup, so that people with a similar one, can try to reproduce it.


Just tested it on my machine, Linux Mint 21.3 Mate edition, Scribus 1.6.2. Drag and drop worked just fine with importing both PDF and SVG files.
What is your environment?
Best regards, S.


same here.
no problem with scribus 1.6.2 on mac os. when i drop a .pdf or .svg file on an open document, it places the file. without the open document it opens the .svg file or the '.pdf-import' window.



Sorry I forgot to mention that I'm using windows 11. As a matter of fact I am referring of dropping a sla file over the empty scribus interface; I mean the one you have when you just open Scribus and have a gray empty interface.

I used to drop sla files even when I already have an open document; anyway I guess we are talking about the same issue.

The file drop does not work either with sla files and other vectorial files


Started Scribus, then dropped a .sla file. It opened just as expected. Started another project, then dropped a sla file. It simply added the xml content to the text frame present.
Apropos, sla is not a graphical file. It is a XML, a text of sorts, so I think Scribus treats it just the way it should treat the text...
I'd install 1.6.2 on another machine and give it another test...
All the best!, S.


I dont' know what happend, but now it turns out that the file drop works... I did not even restart the PC or Scribus... :o  anyway thanks for your replies  ;D