Forum Spam

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Is getting out of hand, there is more spam posts, then actual posts about scribus.
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


Does it help to report them to the moderator?
I've tried it a few times. Lately there are so many spam messages I can't report them cause it makes me wait a while before I can send a report after the first one. Don't want them to think I'm a spammer.


No need to report to admin, really. I (and others) check recent posts every day. The problem is that its not necessarily automated bots creating accounts but also real people. Very little we can do to avoid it I feel, apart from raising the barrier for initial account creation which will reduce real users getting in to get help.


This forum has very active moderators, and the moderators also have access to information we users do not have (like user e-mail and IP-address). So usually spam post (and users) are removed within a day or so.


If a posts that contain a link shouldn't be allowed for new users. The level of abuse is seems to be growing. It is a minor inconvenience to new users not to be able to post a link. I don't see this as really impacting new users to be limited. It may cut the number of spam posts.

Also might be a good idea to purge accounts that havent been in use for some time.
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist