Hypenation not working - dictionaries lost

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I recently changed my computer's OS to Debian 11, and re-installed Scribus (1.5.6 apparantely).
All well except hypenation -- it's simply not working. I work with the Finnish language, I have downloaded everything related (Voikko) to the computer.
But it seems I don't have ANY hypenation dictionaries in /usr/share/scribus -folder. None, not even English.

Where can I download them or is there another way to make this work? I often work with long texts so I simply can not hypenate everything by hand.


In macOS the hyphenation dictionaries are located in the Scribus application container.

However, I tried to use the hyphenation for a 30 page document and had to confirm or modify all instances, which is a no-go for me. There was no difference between the English and German version, it forced me to »ok« every single word.


I just copy the hyphenation dictionaries from LibreOffice and put them in the usr>share>scribus>dicts>hyph.

If one version of Scribus does not have Dicts and Hyph folders (like, Scribus 1.5.7), you'll need to create these two folders.


Hi, I have the same problem of hyphenation, and we cannot copy any file or folder under  "share" folder, nor create one, in linux mint. A little disappointed.


Quote from: denis on December 27, 2022, 09:07:10 PMHi, I have the same problem of hyphenation, and we cannot copy any file or folder under  "share" folder, nor create one, in linux mint. A little disappointed.

sounds like a permissions problem. did you check the owner for the folder?   
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


I recently had the same problem and found the following solution on my Linux Fedora System:
Like the others, I also did not have a dict file in /usr/share/scribus, and could not use hyphenation in scribus with my selected language (german)
but as hyphenation did work with english words although there is no dictionary file, i assumed Scribus shares the language-hyphenation-files with other programs.

I installed the following package via my package-manager: hyphen-de.
(before that, I also installed hunspell-de,  but I think this was not necessary).
And now it works!

To check whether your language-hyphenation-rule is missing on linux-fedora use the following command:

dnf list installed | grep 'hyphen'


Also check the following in scribus:

- Is hyphenation activated for the project/file? (  "File > Document Setup > Hyphenator > checkboxes")

- Did you assign the right language ( hyphenation rules) to the selected textframe (in "edit > styles > paragraph styles > character style tab" , or directly for the selected textframe in the text properties)?

- Select the textframe and navigate to "Extras > Hyphenate Text"

https://wiki.scribus.net/canvas/Help:Manual_HyphenatioN (some points outdated)

Hope that helps


I had problems with hypenation too (running Scribus 1.5.8 on Ubuntu Linux).

What has worked on my computer:

-> I have added the dictionaries hyph_de_DE.dic and hyph_it_IT.dic in the directory /usr/share/hyphen. After that, I have been able to use hyernation on these languages.

-> On Catalan, I have had to change the name of the file hyph_ca_ES.dic to hyph_ca.dic and then it has worked as well.