HTML import in text frame

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For a long time now I use SCRIBUS - Terrific  8)

For many reasons, I have to separate words with " ¤ " before import html file. I use html because there the only way to get italic without work.

It works well, but I have a unknow problem, if in a line text change from normal to italic the last normal character is allways changed in italic.

In this case the coma after 2011 shows it.

<p lang="fr-BE" style="line-height: 100%; text-indent: -1.27cm; margin-left: 1.25cm; margin-bottom: 0.11cm">
<font size="2" style="font-size: 10pt">
<span lang="fr-FR">KOZOVOÏ ¤ Andreï, ¤ 2011, ¤ </span>
<span lang="fr-FR"><i>La ¤ Chute ¤ de ¤ l'Union ¤ soviétique ¤ (1982-1991)</i></span>
<span lang="fr-FR">, ¤ Paris, ¤ Taillandier. ¤ </span></font>

KOZOVOÏ Andreï, 2011, La Chute de l'Union soviétique (1982-1991), Paris, Taillandier.

It is the same with "(" opening before ibid in italic

<SPAN LANG="fr-FR"> &curren; des &curren;argotismes &curren; seraient &curren; &agrave; &curren; combattre &curren;pour &curren; pr&eacute;server &curren; cette &curren; sup&eacute;riorit&eacute;
&curren; (</SPAN>
<SPAN LANG="fr-FR"><I>ibid., &curren; </I></SPAN>
<SPAN LANG="fr-FR">1983,&curren; p. &curren; 107).</SPAN>

des argotismes seraient à combattre pour préserver cette supériorité (ibid., 1983, p. 107).

I think that is an index in a loop but in html import.

Many thanks,

P.S. It is not urgently problem   ;D