Remove Page shadow from PDF output?

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Hi, I've recently started using Scribus and like it.
The shadow page is annoying. I know that I can remove it on the display going through "Preferences"  then selecting "Display" from the list on the left of the window and then changing the value of the "Show Page Shadow". However PDF export still has a page shadow and an annoying white ring. How do we remove it? Also is it possible to remove it at the master page level?


Welcome to the forum ma1766.

What do you mean by "PDF export still has a page shadow and an annoying white ring"?

I've never seen this myself, as far as I can remember. Can you describe the steps you are going through to get to where this comes up please? A screenshot - of the whole screen - where you see the problem would be of valuable assistance?

Also, can you say which version of Scribus you are using and on which OS (and version)?


and, most of all: please share a PDF  with a shadow.

scribus does not automtically add any shadow to your document.


Thanks for the attention I'm on Linux with Scribus version 1.4.6

[attachment deleted by admin]


look ma, no shadow...

[attachment deleted by admin]


Strange looks like this for me

[attachment deleted by admin]


Well, my guess there is that in this case it is your PDF viewer that adds the shadow.


You are right. Very sorry for the inconvenience.


It's an easy mistake to make when you're starting out so please don't worry about it.

It's probable that the "annoying white ring" that you mentioned is also something to do with your PDF reader. (I'm still curious as to what that was/is.)

The general rule is: "If you can see it while viewing the PDF, Scribus didn't put it there." There are some exceptions - crop and registration marks are two off the top of my head - but, normally, if you can see it on the PDF then either you put it there yourself or your PDF reader put it there.

It's always a good idea to have multiple PDF readers installed and to periodically check that your documents look okay with them all. If you're creating documents that you expect to be read on-line then it's also good practice to have multiple web browsers installed and to check that your PDF is properly displayed in those too.

For example, I have a simple newsletter that looks just fine in Adobe Reader (and Chrome, if I remember correctly) but looks awful in Firefox because of an issue with embedding one of the fonts I use in it. I have to outline that font to get it looking right in Firefox but that means that the text in that font is no longer searchable. It's not a huge problem for me in this circumstance but you are better off checking before making anything major.

Anyway, if you have any other issues, please don't hesitate to bring them up in the forum.


After (loooong time consuming, alot of shity question like I was tring to login to Federal reserve...and a multiple errors)I sign up on this forum.....

I want to ask HOW to get rid of shadow arround document ? Because is not solved. I have version 1.6.2 and the option is greyed out.
I wanted to put some images but ....seems this forum least "differernt" that usual forums....


Most probably, you are mistaking the visual shadow on the scribus main window for the real one. It is only for the visual "spicing", and when you are producing the real PDF, it will not be present.


If that is what I thought, then the visibility of this "shadow" is turned off in Preferences-Display-Pages-uncheck Show Page Shadow. Should be no document loaded, in order to access those settings.