Cannot write the file error on save attempt

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I'm using v.1.4.8 and I'm receiving the following warning message when I attempt to save my file: "Cannot write the file: C:\{filename}.sla"

It occurs regardless if I select File > Save, File > Save as, or Ctrl+S.

I've searched for a cause/solution, but to no avail. Does anyone know what this warning means and how I can get around it?


maybe a permissions issue?
did you try saving to your user home directory?
and move to 1.5.8 if possible


First thing to try, can you write C:\ with any other application?

My first reaction to this though is why are you trying to save there? You should be saving to your user directory.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


If I recall correct the number of files that can be saved in the root folder is limited, so that is probably why Windows is trying to prevent you from saving files there.