PDF export crash with signal 11 error

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I have a finished 200 pages book, ready for printing, but it's impossible to generate the final PDF with Scribus going to crash with the signal 11 error.
I've deselected all PDF controls in the document preferences and the PDF window appears but asking for PDF generation always go to crash.

I'm running Manjaro with Scribus 1.58 first and now the 1.7 svn version now. My system is update.


hi chalavi

if it is a single element of the layout which leads to the crash, you could try to detect its position by exporting the file as two 100 page files. if one of them exports well, you split the other in two parts and so on. for one mixed-up object this should work.
otherwise you may try to export it on another computer (you might even send your work files to me, if you like...) or – if nothing else works – you could file a bug report and attach the problematic file. (set it to 'private' to protect your file from public access.)



Hi utnik and thank's for your answer.

It's better to send you the book.
It's a 260 megas zip file size with 58 tif images.
Do you need images or only sla file (2.6 megas)?
I can send it via wetransfer ?

Thank's for your help,
Victor (from France)


hi victor

if i should export the .pdf file for you, then i need the full set of work files (.sla, images, fonts and color profile).
the best way to collect the whole lot is 'file' → 'collect for output' and checking both options to include stuff.



Hi utnik,
"Collect for output" is yet done with all options.
We are an association sael28.fr and we use Scribus for our books (see the library)


hi victor

Quote from: chalavi on March 07, 2023, 09:33:39 AM"Collect for output" is yet done with all options.

then you could send me a link to a download site.
i will try to find the problem (or just export the file if there won't be a crash on my system...)

QuoteWe are an association sael28.fr and we use Scribus for our books (see the library)

i will take a look at your library...




hi victor

if you don't like to share your file with anyone, you should delete the link – i already fetched the file. (but can't do much today...)
(you may share files by personal message...)




hi victor

i managed to export a .pdf file with scribus 1.5.7. (1.5.8, 1.5.9.svn and 1.7.0.svn failed and i wasn't able to find the source of the problem...)
i'll send you the commented results in a personal message.



Hi utnik,

Thank's a lot for your investigation and solution around Scribus 1.7.
I've download all your file and I'looking for the 1.7 release with Manjaro.
I let you know if I found.



I managed to snag the file before the link was removed. Tried all sorts of things to get a pdf out of it. No luck. I then thought to just print it direct to my printer.. same sig 11 issue .
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


hi victor

Quote from: chalavi on March 08, 2023, 08:16:04 PM...I've download all your file and I'looking for the 1.7 release with Manjaro.

it was not 1.7!
scribus 1.5.7 was the useful one.



Yes of course, Scribus 1.5.7 sorry.
As I can't find a 1.5.7 binary for Manjaro, I've downloaded the 1.5.7 sources but there is a known compilation bug...

As I think that the 11 signal is related with footnotes, I've change some parameters in my footnotes settings (Automatic hight and automatic linking) and it seems that the "bug" does not appear anymore and I can create the final PDF with Scribus svn 1.7.

I will investigate a bit more tomorrow.

Thank's for your time and help,