Changing document layout not affecting Master Pages

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I need to change an existing document from having single to having facing pages. In and of itself, that is easy, but the Master Pages do not update (I am using Scribus 1.5.8). I only have one Normal master page, and so I cannot add left and right pages automatically. I can only choose what Master Page to use for right pages, the left ones can only be "Normal".

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? Or an oversight from the developers? Or is it intentional? (if so, it is a bad idea to force people to redo documents when they only want to change one thing for new pages)


I tried it and was able to add a left and right master page
then apply the left mp to the odd pages and the right mp to the even pages


What version are you using?

Did you make it a single-page document first, and then change it? That is what my issue is.


1.5.8 from flathub

yes, tried it again, seemed to work ok


hi biblio

scribus doesn't create new master pages when you change your file from single pages to double page mode. you need to create at least one left and one right master page before you can apply them.
...and even if you define other margins, scribus will never shift your items to those new margins. but otherwise it works as it should...
