[SOLVED] Issue with page margins in Scribus 1.5.8 on Mac

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So, here is what's happening:

I create a new document. I set the size to US Letter, units to mm, and set my margins to: top 60mm. bottom 6 mm. left 15mm and right 15 mm.

I look at the output on the screen, and the margin on the left looks slightly smaller that the one on the right. Thinking it's an optical illusion, I draw a box the exact size of the margins, and then save it to PDF.  I print out the PDF and measure the box. The left side is 14 mm from the edge of the page and right side is 17 mm from the edge of the page.

I print on a different printer and I get the same results, 1 mm short on the left, and 2 mm over on the right.

This is happening on two different Macs. I have not had a chance to try Windows or Linux yet.


Tried it on Arch Linux last night, and I am having the same issue. Can anyone else duplicate this issue?


Is the issue in the PDF or are you expecting your printer to be 100% accurate?


Looks like a scaling issue when printing a PDF. Make sure you are printing with the sale option set to using "none, print using original size" or something similar, might be os dependent for the wording.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


It looks like the issue is specific to my Epson ET-2750 printer. if I print files out on my Brother HL-3170CDW laser printer, my margins are spot on perfect. If I print it out on the ET-2750, then everything is shifted over by 1-2 mm to the left.

I duplicated the problem in Windows, Mac and Linux using Scribus, Pages, and Libreoffice Draw.

I'm on the phone with Epson support and they still swear it's the software that's causing the problem, even though it follows me across multiple computers, operating systems and applications.