crash of scribus following signal number 6

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Since some days, scribus won't start on fedora 37. First time it happens. The message goes :

crash of Scribus following signal #6
Calling Emergency Save
[lesnouveauxterriens@pc-10 ~]$ scribus
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
scribus: magick/error.c :1025 : ThrowLoggedException:  l'assertion « exception->signature == MagickSignature » a échoué.
Plantage de Scribus

any idea what's the pb ?
On the fedora signs, nobody has a clue it seems,
Thx a lot mates !


Lets start off with something simple like a coruppted  profile. withouth scribus running, navagate to the .scribus file and rename it to .scribus-old or similar.Then restart scribus and see if the problem persists.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist