Text error when exporting to pdf

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Hello !

I've recently started using scribus. I am having troubles once I have exported the documents. All the letters I of the text of my documents appear bold once I export and creat the pdf file.

Any ideas where could be the problem?

Thank you !


Lets start with, " What font you are using?"
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


Hello !

thanks for you answer,


I created a style with arial font, and applied it to all the text in the document.


Can you show us a sceen capture of the style settings you created? Attach an image r=to your reply.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


The issue usually relates to lost hinting information. If you zoom in or print the documents the letters I will most likely look as intended, it is just when they are displayed in a lower resolution hinting is needed.

Why the hinting information is lost is harder to know, potentially it is caused by the font being converted to outlines. Look at the font information in the PDF, does it say Arial or does it say something else?


I checked the font in the pdf and it names just the font I am using for the titles: abduction 2002.

It doesn't name the Arial, which is the body of the text, and where the mistake appears.

Might be this font that is causing the problem?

I deleted it and is still happening, and now in the pdf, it doesn't recognize any font.

I am adding a screenshot of the styles


Since Arial was not listed in the PDF, what fonts were listed there apart from abduction 2002?

My guess is that you have set the font to be subset, which I think means Scribus is converting it to a postscript font, and then maybe the hinting information is lost.

How does the Fonts tab in the PDF export dialog in Scribus look? I just noticed that in a document I have made Arial Regular seems to always be subset (but Arial Bold and Arial Italic are embedded).

Did you try to zoom in or print a page?


Hello !

I've been trying some stuff.

I tried with another font, in another project, calibri. This time I didn't select a style but I changed the font in properties.

It still happens. All the l appear l.

Answering your questions:

I didn't print,  I am working with online docs mostly. When I zoom in into the letter you can't see the difference anymore.

This is now how tab font looks in the export dialog looks.


hi mnacarpu9

you tell scribus to outline (contornear) all your fonts. with this setting your glyphs are converted to normal vector graphics. technically spoken there is no text in your .pdf files – just graphics (vector graphics are rendered different from fonts and all the hinting information will be lost...)
you should embed or subset the fonts.
if this doesn't seem to work, it may be necessary to allow scribus to embed the respective fonts under 'preferences' → 'fonts' (or under 'document setup' → 'fonts' if it is for the current document).



Hello ! thanks !

I've tried to embed them, but it doesn't let me.

Is it here to change it? the embed is all already selected


Hello everyone,

I've red in other conversations that is a recurrent mistake and that is complex. Can't explain why.

I've uploaded to 1.5 and it doesn't happen anymore, even if it still doesn't let me embed some fonts. They go automatically to sub.

Thanks to everyone for your answers.