Does not import the image previewed

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I am writing a book with multiple images.  After 100 pages of work it suddendty became impossible to import an image previewed in the importing window.  I see it in the preview but it does not show on the page. The information window tell me that the image is missing.  I am 100% sure it's right there. Not only that, many of the images in the same folder are no longer shows preview and acts as missing image when I tried to import those.  Some images from other sources can be imported but not the previous ones used in the book.

If I create a new document I can import all the images.

Can someone help me out with this? I am at lost.


not sure
what OS and desktop environment?
scribus version?
memory on your computer?
disk space available?

can you drag and drop from a file manager?



Hi thank for helping
Windows 10
Scribus 1.4.8
Memory 16 Gbyte total
external SSD 400 Gbyte free on 1 T
Yes I can drag and drop from the file manager and it does the same.  Picture dont show and info says 'file missing'


Strangely some images form othe files appear and some apper completely white.


sounds like your .sla file has picked up some errors. I this document you are working on stored on the external ssd? The images too? How often do you write to that drive?
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


Yes my .sla file is on the same external ssd.  Images and all files are on the same main folder of that project on the ssd.  As a test I opened my .sla file on an other computer and had the exact same problem with all the files copied on the hard drive

I mainly use my ssd to edit pictures for this projet and others.


As an additionnal information I remembre that Scribus crashed 2 times some days before.  It crashed as I was moving objects from one page to another if I recall.


just spit balling here
maybe try and move to all to a local drive, a solid state type if possible, with 'collect for output'

do you have the image cache enabled?


PatJr.   I tried to move everything to the main harddrive of my computer and had the same problem.

Now I'm a bit lost when you say 'collect for output'  and when you ask me if I have 'image cache enabled'.  I dont know and how can I check that.


for the collect for output

File>Collect for Output

then just select a directory where you want the files saved to
it moves all the files for your document, sla, images, fonts

for the image cache, but it looks like that is in 1.5.8
Files>Preferences>Image Cache

but then I am using 1.5.8 
maybe you could try using that version too?



I tried to move to another drive and it did not help.  I try the other version 1.5.8


It worked !  THANK YOU VERY MUCH.  I upgrades to the 1.5.8 and checked 'image cache' and so far everything works.


good to hear
backup backup backup



Backups are a real necessity, writing to ssd's actually wears them out.  I personally trust old spinning rust more than a solid state drive. I have a couple of server grade drives (HGST) 1800 days of service and no errors yet...
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist