Is there any easy way to find where a font is being used in a document?

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I'm exporting a document to PDF and it wants to subset a font I am not using. I double checked all my styles and checked my document properties, but the font is not there. Is there some way to find out what is using that font?


I did some digging. I opened the SLA file in Visual Studio code, and can find the object IDs for the 5 objects using that font. Is there any easy way to find an object on a page by it's object ID?


If you have the names of the objects, I think you can use the Outline view to find them.


To find an object, just open the »Outline« window by selecting it from the menu on top (screenshot 1).

Then open the triangles and search for your object ID and modify or delete it (screenshot 2)

If you double-click the object in the list, Scribus will jump directly to the object in your document.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: apastuszak on May 28, 2022, 05:49:01 PM
I'm exporting a document to PDF and it wants to subset a font I am not using. I double checked all my styles and checked my document properties, but the font is not there. Is there some way to find out what is using that font?
This may be the default font that is being used for text when you start scribus. Did you choose other fonts as you created your document?       
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist