How Add Inteface Themes

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I all, I'm just compiled 1.5.8 Scribus version after almost one year of that provided through Flatpak (I'm on Linux Slackware OS just upgraded to last 15.0 release, on the old 14.2 new scribus do not build due to lack of new libs).
In this new build I noticed that some dark themes are not present... my question:

how can I add themes to Scribus?
Have to be "sourced" at build time or there is some way to add at run time after the program in installed?

Thanks in advance!


Seems Scribus can handle themes it founds on the system: however I still don't get how exactly it works, I have many themes under /usr/share/themes, but I can choose just few of them from Scribus preferences...

Anyway I tried to add adwaita qt theme:
(from here:

And now I can choose also those two themes in light and dark version.

Nice, a part of some issue...
When I set "Content Properties" hooked to the, so not free, Seems all scribus window cannot stay in within screen height. It's a bit strange issue: when I open scribus, its window is all contained right as expected, but if I switch to an other workspace and switch back again to the one of scribus, I notice its window a bit higher than the screen, and I can't see the part at bottom cause it ends out of screen.

I tried also after switching to some other theme and the problem disappears. Obiously it re-pops up if I set back adwait-dark theme.   >:(

The issue seems related to the content properties bar I suppose, because even when I unhook it, I cannot reduce its height. If I switch to an other theme I can properly resize it as I want.