alternative to GREP in scribus ?

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I would like to do that find/replace :
Original text (example) : 37.27-21 16x27 38.38-32 27x29 39.34x1 10-14 40.31-27 22x31 41.36x27 11-16 42.1-34 9-13 43.34-43
Modified text : 37.27-21 16x27 38.38-32 27x29 39.34x1 10-14 40.31-27 22x31 41.36x27 11-16 42.1-34 9-13 43.34-43
(Notation for draughts game)
Easy with GREP but Scribus hasn't GREP
Thanks for answer


I think write a script with Python regular expression might be one way to deal with this.