Unable to print images on certain files on Mac only

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I use Scribus to design album pages for stamp collectors and then give them away for free on website.

Something strange is happening with the album pages I generate for United States Stamps. Whenever I print pages on my Mac from Scribus generated PDFS, none of the jpg images on the pages will print. They print just fine on my Windows PC and my Linux laptop. Only the Mac is affected.

I am using Apple's Preview to print them. I wanted to try another PDF viewer, so I installed Adobe Reader DC for Mac. The files open just fine, but when I try to print them, Adobe Reader locks up and nothing ever prints.

Stamp pages I make for Ukraine, print fine on all platforms as PDFs.

To make the pages, I am using a great tool that allows me to enter stamp information into a LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet. It then creates a text file with information, and a python script you run in Scribus creates all the stamp boxes.

If you go to https://www.germanstamps.net/ and click on PMGS Products, you'll find the tool.

I was wondering if someone would be able to look at my Scribus file and PDFs and see if they can figure out what's goign on.

If you go to my website here:


You can download the US 2007 supplement I just released.

The zip file contains the images, the Scribus file, the PDFs, and the PostmasterGS tool I am using.

I am using the font Adobe Source Sans 3 on these pages, which is an open source font from Adobe.


My Mac is an Intel Mac, running MacOS 12.1 with Scribus 1.5.7.  I have the same issues on two different printers.

If you need more information, please let me know.

And yes, I will accept critiques of my pages. But I'm pretty far into it at this point, so there is not much I can do. But constructive criticism is always welcome.  I am most definitely an amateur.


Ok, I have a workaround. I installed Foxit PDF Reader for Mac. And I have to say it's output on both my printers looks significantly better than either Adobe Reader or Apple's Preview when printing my Scribus files.

Still would like to know what's up with these files.