Increasing font sizes for menus and palettes

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I have a problem in increasing font sizes for menus and palettes. I have found the way to do this via Preferences -  the default font size is 10pt. I would like to increase to say 12pt, but when I do so the 'apply' button vanishes of the bottom of the screen. I move the window as far as possible to top of screen but 'Apply' remains invisible even when I temporarily make the tool bar disappear. Most windows of this type have a facility to be able to drag the window to make it smaller, but the preferences window does not have that ability. Any ideas please?

Meho R.

Which operating system are you using? If it's Linux, there is usually a way to move windows with Modifier Key (Alt or Win) pressed, then dragging with mouse (left mouse button pressed). You should be able to move a window (including Scribus's Preferences) indefinitely this way.