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Hello (google traduction)

I made a photo book with Scribus to upload it to the Blurb site. I have vectorize the fonts well. I tried downloading the book from the Blurb site and I still get this error message from Blurb:

It looks like this PDF was generated with the Scribus app. We found that Scribus did not integrate the fonts correctly. Your file may not pass preflight. If you have any problems, please cut out the fonts and re-import them.


I then converted my text blocks by menu / object / convert to outline hoping to find the solution but I got the same error message on the Blurb site.

In their message I don't know what they mean by "please cut out the fonts and re-import"

Do you know of a solution to avoid this error message regarding fonts at Blurb?

I have already made two books at home with version 1.4 of scribus I believe and I have not had any particular problem except the measures of the document which were corrected by Blurb in its verification process.

Thank you for your possible help.



I contacted Blurb to be able to fix the problem of the fonts when downloading a pdf. After a few exchanges I still have a message (in red) concerning the fonts but it is no longer blocking. According to engineers at Blurb, the problem is with Scribus. Glad to be able to continue making photo books under linux with Scribus at Blurb.

J'ai contacté Blurb pour pouvoir régler le problème des polices de caractères quand on télécharge un pdf. Après quelques échanges j'ai toujours un message (en rouge) concernant les polices de caractères mais ce n'est plus bloquant. D'après les ingénieurs de chez Blurb, le problème vient de Scribus. Content de pouvoir continuer à faire des livres photos sous linux avec Scribus chez Blurb.


Quote from: phdeletree on January 08, 2022, 02:05:47 PM
According to engineers at Blurb, the problem is with Scribus.

Unless they can explain what error Scribus does I would not trust that statement.

If Scribus does something wrong, the developers would of course want to know the issue so they can fix it.


Scribus developers should contact Blurb ( to see where the problem lies.

Nice people, here is their last email with me:
Hello Philippe,

Thanks for keeping me posted.
Yes, Scribus is a concern for us, but in general most files print correctly.

I wish you a good weekend, if you need anything else do not hesitate.

Blurb Customer Service

------------------------------------------------------------- fr -----------------------------------------------------------------

Les développeurs de scribus devraient contacter Blurb ( ) pour voir avec eux où se situe le problème.

Des gens sympha, voilà leur dernier mail avec moi :
Bonjour Philippe,

Merci de m'avoir tenue au courant.
Oui, Scribus nous pose quelques soucis mais en général la plupart des fichiers s'impriment correctement.

Je vous souhaite un bon weekend, si vous avez besoin d'autre chose n'hésite pas.

Service Client Blurb


Quote from: phdeletree on January 10, 2022, 05:38:39 PM
Scribus developers should contact Blurb ( to see where the problem lies.

That's not how open source development works.

Anyone identifying an issue with Scribus should report it in the bug tracker.

Until then, I would say the issue is with Blurb and not Scribus.


I dug around the Blurb website and found this little gem
"Microsoft Word sometimes has issues creating a compliant PDF file. Create a PDF/X-1a file when exporting. Some users have had success by printing to a postscript file and using Adobe Distiller to create a compliant PDF."
are you exporting your work as a PDF/X-1?
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


I'm not sure if this is the same problem that I recently experienced but ....

In my monthly magazine I produce two pdfs. One goes to the printer, and the other is to go online.

We usually proof read the version for print (because I can't fix it without spending money once it's printed) and assume that the online version is the same as I make no changes once the print version has gone to the printer.

The printed magazine was coming back to us just as I expected, but we found that one of the adverts in the online version was showing as gobbledegook.

It turned out that I was not embedding a font which was only used in that advert. The assumption is that the printer has that font in his catalogue, but the server the online version is hosted on does not. Embedding the font seems to have cured the problem.