Displaying all frames and their levels

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Bluesky 3

Is there anyway to display all the frames in a document and their levels as a list? I am using Scribus to do a Newsletter and I have lots of frames (and frames within frames) and sometimes I can not select the proper frame to edit becuase another frame is on top of it and I can find the name of the frame to select it. Should I use layers to keep track of the frames?


I always try to name the frames. The Outline windows gives a good way to just "walk through" the frames to see which one is correct.

I know there is also some keyboard modifier that can be used to select a frame that is below another, I think there are also "frame handles" to help selecting a certain frame if they are stacked on top of eachother. But I haven't used those features so I don't remember the details.


you can use layers, yes.

but there are some other tricks:
- ctrl(or alt) click cycles through stacked items
- you can drag to select a smaller element behind a bigger one. just click on an empty area and select the full area of the "hidden" element
- or use the outline palette (but naming all the frames may be tedious...)



ah, and grouping the elements may also be help you have some order...