Several instances of the same object.

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I'm thinking about making a playing cards. I want several cards at my page and I want all of them look the same. Obviously if i'm about to change some details in single card, I want it to be automatically updated in all cards.

In other words: is it possible to create several INSTANCES of THE SAME object, so when I change it at one place it automatically change everywhere?

I could also have my card template as master page and just add new cards as new pages, but that will make printing it impossible, right?

Best regards


            x              (x)                    The object would have to be external to your document, such as a image or say a pdf that is placed on the master/template.The external file would be updated to make the change occur across your document(s).
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist



Now the question is: can I use other Scribus file as this "external file" ?


Please, anybody can help me with that?


No, however if you use scribus to to make a pdf that is then used to as the external source that might work. would have to try it and see if the pdf import is done every time to open the sla file if it reloads the pdf. however this method seems a bit cumbersome to work with. If you can give a better example of that you are putting into a document and what you want to change per eash document that may give us a better idea of how to proceed.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


Quote from: AdmFubar on May 04, 2022, 10:42:07 PM
If you can give a better example of that you are putting into a document and what you want to change per eash document

Well, as I said - I want to make playing cards. I want all of them to look the same, so I make template for a single card, like this one:

However, let's assume I changed my mind and want to re-design look of my cards. All at once. In my opinion, the best way to achieve that, would be to have it stored somewhere. In some sort of library, maybe? Or multiply it as a reference instead of new instances? There must be a way.

What would be the best approach to accomplish this in Scribus?


Ok I've figured out a solution, this will work if you use images for your card faces. It isnt perfect but will get the job done.[ You need to make at least two directories, more for additional card faces styles and one as a working directory. Make the style of card faces you want. Save them in one of the directories used as storage, and copy them into the working directory.[/size]As you build your cards in scribus you will use the images in the working directory. When you want to change the look of the cards, make a new directory to store them and copy the new style over the old ones. you just need to use the same name for the new images as old ones. .
Load your scribus document with the first set, print or save to pdf, close that document, copy the the second style of images over the old files in the working directory and reopen the your scribus card deck file. The new backgrounds should now be in place of of the previous set. If you use the "collect for output" option for saving, you have the card deck sets saved individually for later reprints.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist