Reverse Text

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I am using version (Manjaro Linux) and trying to open an old SLA file that I created some years ago with an old version of Scribus (maybe 1.4 but I cannot remember).
The Hebrew text is reversed (mirrored) and I cannot find the flipped 'R' option  button in order to correct this.
Any idea where this button disappeared to?


Not sure it's exactly what you want - but you can mirror the text frame horizontally ..

Select the Frame and go to Properties.  Just below the frame geometry is the basepoint selector ... and below that is a row of buttons. The first one is 'Group the Selected Objects' (which will be disabled) and the second is "Flip horizontally" which mirrors the whole frame (Icon is a double headed horizontal arrow).


hi david

i have no experience with rtl text, but afaik it is the button i marked on the screenshot.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Thanks Robsay and Utnik for your answers.

In fact the solution of Robsay works fine, but Utnik - the button you pointed out just affects alignment and not reversing.



If those two buttons on the right are for alignment, what are the 5 buttons to the left for?


I always that that last button was Indent and Outdent


Quote from: RodneyLee on May 29, 2021, 03:30:15 PM
I always that that last button was Indent and Outdent

the tooltip sais 'left to right paragraph' and 'left to right paragraph'...



I'm not sure what Right to Left text is really supposed to be, but it does come out looking like just a right justification, even using the Hebrew filler text.  All the symbols are in exactly the same order, facing the same direction, it just goes flush right, ragged left.  I assumed symbols that were far left when flush left, would go far right when swapped, but they don't.  I thought it would be a mirror image.
Scribus 1.6.0 Stable
Windows 11


I don't think the symbols should be mirrored in a right-to-left text. Maybe the order of the symbols does not change for already written text, but what if you enter new text?