Open document at last saved page

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When opening a document, should Scribus jump to current page from the last session?

That should be an option in the Preferences and the Document Settings.
3 (75%)
It should always jump to the former current page.
0 (0%)
There is no need for such a feature.
1 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 4


Hello there,
does someone know on some settings or trick to make Scribus file open the document at the very last saved page (I mean opening in the page where you did save your last changes ?) it can be helpful when having to hand a quite big document having to scroll or click in the page you were working last (perhaps helpful either for people with bad memory like me who would not remember easily the last page was working on  :'( ?
hope it makes sense.


haven't looked sounds like it would be INSERT instead of open at, can you open 2 doc's and cut and paste at end?


no, i don't think that it's currently possible with scribus.

but it would probably be easy to implement.
as a preference and document setting...

personally, i mostly work on small documents and i don't really have a need for this feature, so let's ask the other readers: should scribus optionally jump to the last edited page, when opening a document?


Quote from: a.l.e on May 03, 2019, 02:53:13 PM
no, i don't think that it's currently possible with scribus.

but it would probably be easy to implement.
as a preference and document setting...

personally, i mostly work on small documents and i don't really have a need for this feature, so let's ask the other readers: should scribus optionally jump to the last edited page, when opening a document?

Hi ale, how can we ask (sort of poll ?) not sure if there is a way to do that in the forum ?
I would, in the meantime, post it as a poll in the facebook group i've created for Scribus either :



Since the scribus document (*.sla) is an xml document, one simple approach might be to use meld app to compare old *.sla with new *.sla documents. That is, keep a saved copy which can be used as a template to look for changes made (doc1 compare with doc2).
Meld is found in my Ubuntu software centre and probably in Windows.
Meld will show all changes to the document template and not just the last saved page. A python script might also be written to run meld via command line.


Where you were working might not be where the last change was made.

If you are for example proof reading or checking things in large document (say a couple of 100 pages) and at the end of the work day you are at page 68, but maybe the last edit was on page 56. When you start working the next day you would probably like to start where you were.

(At work, with MS Word, I solve this by highlighting a paragraph in an odd color, so the next day I can quickly scroll to where I was working.)

This makes me think, is it possible to hook scripts into opening and closing a document? Then maybe one could just hook a script into Close document and have that script save the current page into the SLA in some way (is it possible to store custom document properties?).


i'm not a big fan of facebook or polls...
i'm more interested in good reasons for having that feature.
but go ahead, if you feel like! : - )

as nermander correctly wrote, scribus would not jump to the last edited bit, but to the last selected page... which would probably be the same in most cases.

modifying scribus  to store the relevant information in the .sla file is rather trivial and restoring the position is not that hard either...
but i don't like putting features in scribus that are not really useful.
the biggest problem is that when you ask people, if they want a new feature, most will say loud: "yes!"... but then, most of them are unable to find (and use) the relevant feature because there are so many of them : - )

when reading nermander's thoughs, i wonder if making it easier to write comments, using colors and maybe even anchors... and  being able to list and jump to them might be a better approach than add new settings and "jump to last position" feature.
we might even have "automatic" comments / annotations... one of them being the last edited page...


Quote from: a.l.e on May 04, 2019, 02:28:34 PM
i'm not a big fan of facebook or polls...

I am not so fan of fb but is the only space where I can handle a group to share and promote the use of some open source software for creative fields etc in order to exchange thoughts or tips.. though I can't deny this forum is the only place where I've found more accurate feedback on scribus tips or features.... but I would not know how to start here a voting thing as you suggested it would a good practice firs asking if others would find such a feature useful..

Quote from: a.l.e on May 04, 2019, 02:28:34 PM
i'm more interested in good reasons for having that feature.

I've tried to expose my reasons for sure but what seems to be a useful for some people might not seem to be useful for others... I personally think the issue related to the amount of pages and the bad memory (not the computer one but the user one), having to remember where you were working last time... could be a good reason not just for me but even for others.. but not sure if others dare to expose the reasons apart from just voting "yes" or "not" or "don't mind"...   I  certainly did in the fb grou as I did here the reasons but .. I perfectly understand what you say and I would not know what other method to use in order to sanely and freely discuss features with other users .. might end up being frustrating at the end :(
but go ahead, if you feel like! : - )

Quote from: a.l.e on May 04, 2019, 02:28:34 PM
as nermander correctly wrote, scribus would not jump to the last edited bit, but to the last selected page... which would probably be the same in most cases.

modifying scribus  to store the relevant information in the .sla file is rather trivial and restoring the position is not that hard either...
but i don't like putting features in scribus that are not really useful.

What seems to be not useful for some might be extremely useful for others.. (?)

Quote from: a.l.e on May 04, 2019, 02:28:34 PM
the biggest problem is that when you ask people, if they want a new feature, most will say loud: "yes!"... but then, most of them are unable to find (and use) the relevant feature because there are so many of them : - )

is all related to experiences I guess, each one of us uses Scribus for different sort of jobs and different work flows, the production process when designing probably are not the same for everybody ... that's why some people might not expose the reasons for having a feature in the same way I guess...

Quote from: a.l.e on May 04, 2019, 02:28:34 PM
when reading nermander's thoughts, i wonder if making it easier to write comments, using colors and maybe even anchors... and  being able to list and jump to them might be a better approach than add new settings and "jump to last position" feature.
we might even have "automatic" comments / annotations... one of them being the last edited page...

I would not know how to achieve that as a user but I would try checking but I have tried many ways but no way the file always opens from the very first page of document.. I think I would try taking note in padnotes of hte page I have closed the document (before closing it) in order to go there through the pannel but I have to remmeber having to do that before closing the file .. my bad memory would not help for sure :(


I have tried to add a comment in the fb poll asking people to expose their reasons writing something like:

"it would be good if people voting here could expose the reasons why you think this feature could be useful enough to raise a feature request for Scribus developers. Thanks."

but then I would not know how to enrich the discussion from the fb grou to this forum etc.. I don't know how to make interactive the groups accepting what others could expose in between the different spaces of discussions ...

:( :'(


à propos comments / notes in scribus:

you cannot do them right now in scribus, but it would be an interesting task to be able to add some sort of post its... maybe even with tags (todo, ...) to help tracking them...


I hope so too, thanks for your reply. and all the bet to Scribus developers team !


To add my 2cents worth.. how about a whole history of changes made to a document?
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist