Scribus failed to import dxf file

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I downloaded a dxf file from https:// free- dxf .com/ and just want to import it to scribus via uniconvertor,I had installed uniconvertor 2.0rc and set the path to uniconvertor exe correctly from file>preference>external tools,however it still got warning as the image shown below.
Could anyone point out why this error occured?Thanks very much in advance.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hello, think here are more quality free dxf files that you can use without errors, https://www. dxfforcnc. com/collections/free-dxf-files
this website has more useful free collections you can try, also more than 950 reviews and useful blog posts.


Not really free, you just have to sell your soul contact information to them.[/size]Is there any specific reason to use the DXF file? There are other options to choose from?       
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


You will have the right not to subscribe to any newsletters or not to use your personal data, also you don't have to create an account, it's a totally free collection, the paid collections only will need your email address to send you the confirmation email with the download links.