Newbeginner guide?

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Did it easy way to add vector from gimp or inckscape?

Issue i get if i use Svg files its show as picture not vector. and i get issue not possible to import everthing (Unsupported features)


There are different file formats for *.svg export in several programs. I export my vector drawings as »SVG for export«, no bitmap included. Then I just drag the *.svg file from the folder into Scribus and drop it onto an active page, where I can adjust the size and position later. It always works flawlessly.


How to to that on scribus?
or most it be use gimp or inkscape?
I also want to know how to add form to item easy because its hard than paint to move object to other object easy way.


You can do some vector graphics in Scribus, but basically it is not made for it. Scribus is a publishing software, comparable to InDesign oder Affinity Publisher or Quark Express. The strength of Scribus is to produce and pre-press books, flyers, posters, magazines, newspapers, etc.

If you want to work with vector graphics and have a Windows machine, you might consider Xara or Inkscape or Gimp, or Illustrator or Affinity Designer.

If you just want to import a graphic into Scribus and have the text flow around it, select the graphic, go to -> Properties -> Shape -> Select any flow scheme next to »Text Flow« you want to use

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