Installation - Issues about Italian language

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Scribus 1.5.7.

Seems that there are some issues about Installer and language strings.
Selecting Italiana s language I can found these issues.

- Uninstall previous version is in English (not translated in Italian).
- New installation ahs some strings untranslated.

Please check screenshots.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Other screenshots


Where can I find the list of etxt strings used in NSIS installer script?

Where can I find the latest Italian .ts langaueg file (foile for scribus GUI)?

[attachment deleted by admin]


In NSIS file these items are not translated and not set multilanguage strings

InstType Full
InstType Minimal

Section "Scribus Files (required)" ; Section_0
Section "Additional fonts" ; Section_4
Section "Desktop Shortcut" ; Section_6
Section /o "Shortcuts for All Users" ; Section_7

DetailPrint "Installing Scribus Files..."
DetailPrint "Installing runtimes..."
DetailPrint "Installing Antiword in application directory..."
DetailPrint "Installing Python files..."
DetailPrint "Installing additionnal fonts..."
DetailPrint "Registering file association..."
DetailPrint "Installing Desktop shortcut..."

All these strings should be transformed as translatable string. Example

InstType $(LSTR_92)
InstType Minimal $(LSTR_93)

LangString LSTR_92 1033 "Full"
LangString LSTR_93 1033 "Minimal"
