Receiving "EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO" upon initial open.

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Upon attempting to open scribus for the first time, I receive and EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO error. There is no error number visible on the notfication, you can see it in the link above.

I am running x64 Windows 10 Home, and I do not have ghostscript installed.

Any ideas?

[attachment deleted by admin]


which version of scribus are you running and from where did you download it?



the file seems to be a good one.

you might want to try to remove the preferences by renaming the directory


and letting scribus recreate it.


Hi, thanks for your help!

I uninstalled scribus, reinstalled it with the path you mentioned with the install wizard. Same error. Any other additional information I could provide? :/


I only found one site that talked about this error.  A moderator said this error is usually a video issue.  It was for a video game and the solution was the user got a new video card.  You may just want to make sure your video card drivers are up to date.
Scribus 1.6.0 Stable
Windows 11