Image uncropping when printing to PDF

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Hello.  I am using

Scribus Version 1.5.4
28 April 2018
Build ID: C--T-*-C1.14.12-Windows-64bit
Using Ghostscript version 9.19

I have a book layout with a mix of images, PDF as images, and text.  I'm having an issue when Printing to PDF through the Microsoft Print to PDF option, that pages where there is a single PDF as image that is cropped, the printed PDF is showing the image as uncropped.  I've attached the Scribus file as well as the PDF.  Anyone else have this issue?  Anyway to fix it?  I don't really have a way to crop outside of Scribus and trying to turn the PDF into an image degrades the quality even further.

[attachment deleted by admin]



I had completely overlooked the built in export function.  It works beautifuly though it does take a long while. Thank you RodneyLee!
I am curious why the print to PDF works with some cropped images/PDFs but not others.  Oh well.  I have a solution.