"Get Image" no longer displays image

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Why are my images no longer inserting into my project?

I am inserting 303 images into a 303 page book.

The images are 6"x9" .jpg 300 dpi text converted from .pdf using mac Automator.

Scribus ver 1.4.8
Mac OS 10.13.6

For 256 pages I was able to insert and adjust images to frame.  After that, getting image only resulted in a red "X".

The computer's activity monitor shows Scribus using 3.03 GB of memory.

The folder of files I am inserting from has not moved or been edited.


running out of memory?, you might want to do your book in 3 parts or at least test to see if you can then load more images


@RodneyLee  Would I export the first 100 pages, or so, as pdf then erase that section of the book in Scribus? Then do the next 100, and the last 100 the same way?

Is there a way in Scribus to combine three different pdf files into one?

I'm looking to print on Lulu dot com, they require one complete file.

Thanks for your previous reply.


I have heard there are online free pdf joiners that will put all your documents into 0ne.


I don't have a Mac (I am on Ubuntu) but here is PDFshuffler


and there is pandoc.

