Asian language and fonts

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Lou Siew Hei

I downloaded Scribus, intended to use it for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text layout, but following the tutorial, I can only use Engish. Everytime I tried to input Chinese text, in story editor, I picked the Chinese font that Scribus accepted and displayed, but the input interface is messed up, and I can only input about 10 to 15 characters, then I cannot input anything anymore. And after I got back to the page layout mode, the text were not displayed, and editing it caused the system to crash. If I input text using the edit text frame button, it crashed.

Nothing I tried work. I read it that Scribus supports Asian languages, false information?


hi lou siew hei,

basically: chinese and japanese are somehow supported. not very well, but they somehow work.

but you have to take care that you select the right font for the frame. the story editor does *not* use the correct font but a font you choose to display the text on screen.

there are still problems with the input systems, and we accept help to get them to work!


Lou Siew Hei

I missed out some details in my question:
I am using Scribus 1.4.0rc6, running it on Windows 7 started edition, and the system language was set to Traditional Chinese.
While I was working on the Chinese text, I used SimSun, which is for Simplified Chinese, the one displayed by Scribus, so I took it as GhostScript compatible, and I switched my input to Simplified Chinese.
I tried to type my story in Notepad, and saved in Unicode text, then imported into text frame, not working at all. Using Story Editor, only like 10 characters can be typed, then the input was messed up.
So what should I do about it at all?
p.s. I searched for PostScript compatible Traditional Chinese fonts, but no one can be accepted by Scribus.


I wanted to input Chinese font and found some Chinese fonts e.g. Arial Unicode MS Regular, PingFang HK Regular. I hope that would be useful for someone. :)