Image handling

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Hi folks,
Just a note on use.
   I tried Scribus, and it's nice, but one problem was that you can't just drop or import an image into it.
It has to be in an "image frame", and that does not fit the image. So you can't just resize, crop or manipulate the image.
Not very convenient.
Back to my old program now, thanks


hi crash,

can we know what your old program is?

it is possible that for the task you want to achieve scribus is not the tool you need...

... but the way scribus does manage images is pretty standard in all DTP applications... and it allows you to crop and scale the picture inside of the frame. it's really not that hard when you've learned how to do it!
you can even tell it to automatically fit your images, if you prefer!

just be aware of the fact that scribus is *not* a bitmap editor but a program you can use to layout text and images in one document.


Meho R.

Did you even try to take a look at help files before you posted that, krash? Every single assumption in your post is just plain wrong. So, Help > Scribus Manual > Documentation > Scribus Basics


Quote from: krash on January 06, 2012, 03:34:15 PM
Hi folks,
Just a note on use.
   I tried Scribus, and it's nice, but one problem was that you can't just drop or import an image into it.
It has to be in an "image frame", and that does not fit the image. So you can't just resize, crop or manipulate the image.
Not very convenient.
Back to my old program now, thanks

Right mouse click on image frame -> Adust image to frame

BTW: I much prefer here Scribus. I wanted yesterday to change some pictures in an Open Office presentation, extrem complicate, because not possible to change only the pictures. I had to delete the old and put in a new and made all links new.
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