Can not input Chinese after double clicking the text frame, English OK.

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I can not input Chinese in the text frame after double clicking it, but, I can input English.

The Scribus version:
1.5.5 svn 23095
Build ID: C--T-F-C1.15.10-64bit
Ghostscript versioin: 9.26
Debian Stretch 9.11 / gnome

I extracted the appimage by running./Scribus-1.5.5-linux-x86-64.AppImage --appimage-extract, then go to squashfs-root/ and run ./AppRun, and, the screen shows me some err tips like the attached screenshot.

After that, I tested the Scribus 1.4.6 installed from debian stretch apt commandapt install scribus. In 1.4.6, I can not input Chinese also, but, I can input Chinese in the frame name box.

I have been using the import method before, until today to modify one word with double clicking the text frame.

How to make it work?(double click the text frame and input Chinese)
When I just want to modify or input a few words (maybe only one word or two words), it's not convenient to open the story editor。

I had tested 1.5.5svn appimage and 1.4.6 in a virtual machine(debian stretch 9.11/xfce4), and got the same result.

I can input Chinese in the LibreOffice appimage version and installed version by "apt install" command.

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Check default Font, (before and after clicking inside text frame) can I assume you set computer language to Chinese?


1. Chinese input OK (v1.4.6)
The version of scribus 1.4.6 installed through command "apt install scribus" in debian stretch:
If the default font was set to English font, the Chinese input is NG; if set to Chinese font, Chinese input is OK.

2. Chinese input NG (v1.5.5svn)
The appimage version of scribus 1.5.5svn:
With the appimage version of scribus 1.5.5svn,  I cannot enter text directly regardless of the default font is Chinese or English.

I guess that, with appimage 1.5.5svn, the system can NOT call up the Chinese input method(fcitx), and, with 1.4.6 installed through command "apt install scribus", the system can call up the Chinese input method(fcitx).
So, 1.4.6 is OK, 1.5.5svn is NG.

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