Export to PDF function

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Quote from: Meho R. on July 14, 2011, 12:40:12 PM
Embedding isn't the problem, since using those fonts in LibreOffice and exporting to PDF works as expected.

But it doesn't work on Scribus.

Quote from: Meho R. on July 14, 2011, 12:40:12 PM
Desh, I suggest that, if nobody provides an explanation here, you ask about this at Scribus mailing list, maybe some of devs might know why is Scribus outlining the fonts (as in "real" outlining/converting to path John wrote about in his first post) instead of subsetting and/or embedding them.

Yes, that is  good question. Also is a question why Calibri fonts get busted even when other font which get outlined (TNR, Tahoma) come out right in the PDF.

Thanks a lot for your replies folks. Greatly appreciate your time :)


Hi there,

I'm completely new here and to Scribus too. I tried to set my first document today and the thing is that I definitely need to use Calibri as it is part of the design manual of the project I'd like to create documents in Scribus for. I immediately arrived at this problem with disability to select text in documents set in Calibri.

I tried to UTFG but have not been lucky. Do you think that this problem has been discussed or solved any further?

Thanks for any reply. :)