Object colourspace is not CMYK or spot

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I produced a book with all tables imported from pdfs as vector graphics. I'm changing one as part of the 2nd edition edits but using the same method, I'm now getting the preflight check errors as stated in the post title (see screenshot).
Tables are drawn up in an Excel spreadsheet, 1 table per page; each page is exported as a pdf; each pdf is edited with Inkscape to crop the page to the table (make page size= selection or words to that effect); each pdf is imported as a vector graphic into the required layer.
I tried using pdf tables from the 1st edition which imported ok back then and I get the same error, which makes me think something has happened in my Scribus 1.5.4 settings, but what?.

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Hello LesCM19,

Would you be able to post a Scribus file with one of the offending tables?  Also which OS is being used, which version of Excel and how are you saving the pdf file from Excel and which version of Inkscape?  I would like to try and reproduce your listed steps to see if I get the same results.  I do know that everything from Excel or any MS product is always exported in the RGB format (except publisher if setup correctly). Thanks!




Windows 10 v1903 build 18362.476, Kingsoft Spreadsheets, Inkscape 0.92.

From the spreadsheet I am going file>export to pdf. It appears to be PDF-1.7. I also notice that when I check the properties of the pdf when opened with Inkscape, it unsurprisingly I suppose doesn't use US swop coated ICC profile which I suspect is needed. If I change its properties to use that profile, save & close Inkscape & reopen the file, it is no longer using the US web coated profile. Inkscape saves it as PDF-1.4
Attached is a one page sla file with the table in question just plonked anywhere. Thanks for your attention, doing my head in a bit.

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The black swatch and white swatches for the frames and text that were imported from the pdf table are both RGB colorspace, I verified this with Adobe Acrobat and Enfocus Pitstop.  If you look under the edit colors options in Scribus you should see this, try and delete those swatches and then replace them with the CMYK Black & White swatches.  I did not verify any other parts of the Scribus file and the bitmap/raster links were missing so I could not verify those either.  I hope this helps.




What an idiot. It's been so long since I've used Scribus I forgot about that stage  ;D



fyi, despite the warnings, scribus has probably created a valid (and good) pdf x 1-a.

i've opened a ticket asking for a better wording of the message or even removing the warning.