exporting to PDF converting all images in CMYK (icc ISO Coated v2 300%)

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I need to export a .SLA project to .PDF in which all RGB images are converted to CMYK ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI).
The PDF should be PDF/X-3:2002.

how to do it?
Exporting to Pdf/x-3 it appears to me that all the RGB images remains RGB...


just export as .pdf/x-1a.
the main difference to the .pdf/x-3 format is, that in .pdf/x-1a the whole content needs to be converted to the output profile. but every .pdf/x-1a file is a valid .pdf/x-3 file.



I send the file as you say and wait for the answer of the printing office, then I'll write here if the problem is solved.


That is kind of the advantage with x-3: There is no conversion made.

If someone wants the colors converted they should rather request x-1a.