How do I create a "spine" on the magazine

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I'm in the plans of starting up a magazine. I'll use quite thick paper and 76 pages (with the cover). This makes the magazine so thick that it has to be glued, and therefor has a spine. How do I create a spine to it, and how to I know how thick it should be.

I also have another question. In the priceoffer I got from the Print-company (I don't know if that's the right word, english isn't my native language) they said that the file should be saved in PDF 1.5 with 3mm bleed outside of the cutmarks.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but does it meen that every imagebox or whatever that covers the entire side without margins should stick out 3 mm on each side of the page? And if I have a white background with text or images that doesn't go all the way out in the edges I don't have to think about the bleed?



hi aksel

Quote from: Aksel on December 31, 2011, 11:39:18 AM...How do I create a back to it, and how to I know how thick it should be.
you have to build a separate file for the cover (from left to right: back cover - spine - front cover). your printshop will tell you the width of the spine. some printshops offer cover templates...

Quote...the file should be saved in PDF 1.5 with 3mm bleed outside of the cutmarks.
...does it meen that every imagebox or whatever that covers the entire side without margins should stick out 3 mm on each side of the page?

QuoteAnd if I have a white background with text or images that doesn't go all the way out in the edges I don't have to think about the bleed?
...could be – depends on the printshop. some of them need bleeds anyway!
as there is no higher magic in creating a file with bleeds ('file' → 'document setup' → 'document' → 'bleeds'), i recommend to set this 3mm...



Thanks for the reply.

Could you guide me through the process of making the cover? I can't find where to select a spine when I create a new document.

The cover-file will be the first, and last two pages of the magazine. But I was planing on having full spread ads on page 2-3 (the first spread) and on the last spread of the magazine. How do I do this in a good way. If I get a pdf from a client with the ad do I have to cut it in half, and use half on the cover-file and half on the inlay-file? If so, how do I do with the bleed, so that it doesn't mismatch?



hi aksel

Quote from: Aksel on December 31, 2011, 03:00:08 PMCould you guide me through the process of making the cover?
not really, but i can try to help a little bit...

QuoteI can't find where to select a spine when I create a new document.
create a new document in single page mode with a width of 2 x cover width + spine and set guides for the spine. (if the magazine is a4 with 11mm of spine width, it is a 431mm wide layout (2 x 210 + 11) with guides at 210 and 221mm) – and set the required bleeds.

QuoteIf I get a pdf from a client with the ad do I have to cut it in half
you dont have to cut them but because the ad is splitted over two files, you must put them in two different frames which cover half of the ad each.
there is always a precision problem by splitting pictures between cover and block – if the ad is really precision critical, you need a word with the printer...

Quotehow do I do with the bleed, so that it doesn't mismatch?
for the spineside of the inner cover i would once more ask the printer. for safety you can let the two ads meet on the middle of the spine – usually covers are mounted with almost no offset, but up to 1mm can happen...

i strongly recommend to talk with the printer; tell him, what you intend to do, ask for his advice, for color profiles and for templates...



Thanks for the reply and pardon me for my late response.

How exactly do I create the cover?

To clarify: I do get how I create the backside-spine-frontpage. But how about the "backside" of the cover? The second-first and second-last page of the magazine. Do I create one file with two "2 x 210 + 11" pages? And wich page comes where? The backside is to the upper left and the frontpage to the upper right. But how about the second-first and the second-last pages? Wich goes where so that it gets right in the print?


hi aksel

i think a file with two 210-11-210 mm pages should work.
  • 1st page: back cover, spine, front cover
  • 2nd page: 2nd page (front cover 'inside'), 'inner bleeds', 2nd-last page
to be sure, i would ask the printer...



Allright. I guess I got it now   :D

Thanks you!