didnt get path details from ora files.

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i read xcf related post in forum.so i found that ora files can be used for layer information and details. i need to use image clip path option. so according to wiki  selecting image -> context menu -> image ->  extended image properties gives the path information. paths can be obtained from .tiff format but it isnt available in ora. any ideas ?




looks like bugzilla has bugs. i cant go to the bug reported by me. it redirects to home. i had the same  issue with my previous bug report also


seems to be an issue with your setup...
never heard of such a problem with the scribus bug tracker and never experienced it myself...

maybe some browser plugin?

here is the link that you should follow: https://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=15795


ya. it was firefox issue. restarting firefox helped


so, the results from the ticket: the given .ora file did not contain any path.

i have no idea if .ora file can contain a clip path... can you please research it?

and, if you find that

- it's possible, and
- scribus cannot find the path in that file

pelase, submit that file to the bug tracker!



wiki says .ora have path information. but i didnt get it. in tiff i get only path option in scribus. but .ora shows both layers and paths in scribus.