Character controls not showing

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Woman Writer

After I import my text into Scribus - either through the Story Editor or by using the "Get Text" command - when I turn on the text character control option, all I see are the circle symbols that denote spaces. There are no paragraph symbols or anything else whatsoever shown. What do I do to make it work? What am I doing wrong? I have tried searching for a solution, but can't find an answer.


I get them...

... In the frame, of course...

Woman Writer

But do I need to insert/add the text a particular way in order for the character control to show up correctly? I have tried pasting the text in directly on the page/in the frame, I've tried putting it in using the "Get Text" option, and I've tried pasting it into the Story Editor. But when I choose the character control option, all I see are space marks. Could this be a bug with my version?


no, it's unlikely that you have bug.

really, just turn it on and it works.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Woman Writer

I did exactly that, but it didn't work for me. Maybe it's my computer messing up?


It's unlikely that your computer is messing up.

... Computer are very rational beings and tend to do exactly what you tell me to do...

One possible cause could be that your font does not have the pilcrow (¶) sign... but it's a bit unlikely...

You might need to to look for support in your neighborhood (somebody who sees what is happening on your screen...)