Document fonts are converted to bitmap in PDF export

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Hello Scribus,

I created a very simple Scribus document with some images and some text (Arial regular). When I export as a PDF file the text comes out as bitmap and, therefore, cannot be copied (using Acrobat or PDF-XChange). I've looked at various options, but I cannot see where to switch off "convert fonts to bitmap". Does anybody have an answer? (I did search the forum before posting)
Thanks in advance.


As far as I know Scribus will never convert text to bitmap, so you must have done something strange.


did you really export a .pdf file with scribus? – or did you 'print to file' with some third party .pdf printer?



I went via File > Export > Save as PDF. That produces a full bitmap file.

The same thing happens when I do use a virtual PDF printer (PrimoPDF). When I use the latter with Word, I get a PDF with text that I can select with a text tool and copy.

I'm thinking that it's the way that my text frame is set up, or perhaps my document preferences. Is there some overall parameter?



No problem to share. An SLA is attached.

I just created a simple text SLA with the text of this post. Exported as PDF, it presents the same symptoms.

[attachment deleted by admin]


i just exported your file without changing anything, and got selectable text in the .pdf file – don't know what went wrong with your export...


[attachment deleted by admin]


I can select text in your PDF, but not in my own. Is there something in the export parameters that affects how fonts are handled?


How about if you share a simple SLA file with me, to see if I can export it with "copiable" text...


Quote from: Scribus_310817 on June 04, 2019, 12:49:20 PM...Is there something in the export parameters that affects how fonts are handled?
well – you can select to 'embed' or 'outline' the fonts. but what is called 'outline' generates a type 3 font and stays as selectable text.
are you working under windows? – in this case it might be a problem with the font licence. could you try to use a third party (non microsoft) font?
i have to work now. but could provide an .sla test file in the evening, if it will still be needed by then...



Yeah I tried embed/outline, but that doesn't change a thing.

I'm using Scribus Version 1.4.8 on a Windows 10 PC. I don't think that it's a a license problem as the same fonts work when I print to a PDF with Word.

I reckon it's something I've done with the parameters. I'm going to uninstall and start afresh (not before capturing as many menus that seem relevant). I was able to export a copiable PDF when I first started using Scribus, so there's something under the hood that I've "tweaked".

A suivre...


I uninstalled/reinstalled scribus-1.4.8-windows-x64 (killing the subdirectories in \Program Files and \AppData\Roaming) and still had the "non copiable text in PDF" problem. I then upped the ante by installing the development candidate Scribus 1.5.4

And the result is...

Problem solved. I can export a PDF and copy the text with a PDF reader.

Thank you utnik