Remove color from document /scribus itself

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I need help.
Scribus automatically has a white and black color defined. I cannot delete or alter (name) these colors.
However for printing i need a white color as a spot color with the name "White", there cannot be 2 Whites.
So is there a backdoor or whatever, a way to delete or alter the orignal white color scribus provides?

I can't even call my White "white" with lower case, it HAS to be "White".

Or maybe alter something in scribus it's files and folder? The code for this has to be stored somewhere right?

It's so frustrated that these colors are locked. I might end up losing a client and money over this issue if i can't fix this. And i can't use illustrator or whatever cause paying a lot of money for a program you only use 3 times in a year is ridiculous.


Probably*, you can open the .sla file with a text editor, find the (first) occurrence of "White" and add

to it:

<COLOR NAME="White" SPACE="CMYK" C="0" M="0" Y="0" K="0" Spot="1"/>
It's a hack, but if you can confirm that it does what you want, I think that it might be worth to ask for a way to mark any existing color as a spot one.

Attached are a .sla and the resulting Pdf with a spot White...

* In the attached .sla and .pdf it seems to have been working, but I have no way to check if everything is indeed correct.