Scribus Webpage

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p.s.: of course, we have to modify it, so that it does not look like it's the official scribus web page.


after tonight's mploug post i'm willing to do another try:

finally create a sane website for scribus... and make it a community (non official page) and hope that:

- at some time it will be so much better than the scribus one, that google shows it at a relevant place or
- the team sees that a better page can exist and takes it as the official page.

i'd like to take martin's proposal

and make two changes to it:

- make it clear that it's not an official scribus page,
- use a static site generator, instead of wordpress.

jekyll? pelican? ... ?

anybody can help?


i've created my first grav ( and i'm pretty happy with the way it's working.

i plan to implement martin's template with it... and make my scribus planet + a new knowledge base part of it.

anybody wants to join?


the website is gently on its way...

see you soon...


There are months since I don't login here, but today I saw ale's posts on GRAV forums. I like what you did on and I'm glad you chose Grav cms. (don't know if my advise here was useful or you already knew GRAV, but doesn't matter).  Who knows, maybe some day, the other suggestion I made about scribus forums will be taken into consideration... ;)

I can't help with the project since I'm not a coder.

Quote from: a.l.e on September 28, 2018, 08:27:01 AM
- at some time it will be so much better than the scribus one, that google shows it at a relevant place or
- the team sees that a better page can exist and takes it as the official page.
I hope both, but mostly the second one
sorry for my bad english


thanks radu!

a/ eh eh... i've discovered grav multiple times, but never used it... in the last couple of month i've now done two projects with it and i have to say that it's a pleasant cms to use!

b/ for the forums, i guess you suggested the use of discourse. sadly, there is not much i can do there: the state of this forums does not justify starting a separate community, the split of forums has more consequences than just setting up a new website, and hosting a discourse instance is not trivial. and i don't see the team wanting to setup a new engine (even if -- behind the scene -- they started a rework of the wiki... so there is hope.)

c/ there is something you can do: i'm looking for samples of works done recently with scribus : - )

and since i wrote about it in a different thread but not here, where it all started, here it is, the (shy) announce:

i've now implemented martin's proposal on and, even if it's in beta state, i looks good to me!

contributions are very welcome both for the content and for the grav site. there is a list of task in the README's "contribution" section: