Is it possible to export formatting/paragraph styles & import?

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Is it possible to export formatting/paragraph styles & import?



It's not yet possible to export from Scribus with formatting, but i'm working on an epub exporter for Scribus 1.5...

Once it's there it will be possible to do it...

Importing is of course possible, from otf, html, idml and probably docx...


HI A.l.e,

I was experimenting with different templates given as examples.

I was hoping to reuse them(export->import) and also to be able to reuse my own.

It will be a great feature when done and will speed up workflows.



you can create your own templates in scribus and you can of course, then, use them...

are you talking about scribus templates?

and, yes, you can also import the styles from another document in edit > manage styles...

sorry, i think i gave you the wrong answer, in my first reply...


In [Edit] [style Manager]

I could see import and clone, but not export.

Also, why is "style manager" not grouped under eg [Windows] ?


[attachment deleted by admin]


you don't need an export...

styles that are in a template will automatically be loaded.

you can import styles from any other .sla file...

so, exporting is just saving your .sla under a different name (and eventually tweaking the list of styles in the resulting file)

... about the place where the dialogs are...
... there is a rational behind it, even if it's probably not the best one:

- under "edit" you'll find the dialogs that manages resources (colors, styles, ...)
- under "windows" you'll find the dialogs that contain tools (doing changes on your items)

it's not good, i know, but you will have to come up with a rock solid alternative to convince the team to change that!
