"Serach an Replace" "Replace All" work and work and work

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I have a document with 100 pages in Din-A5 with the Font-Sizes 14 pt for Titles and 10 pt for Text. Now, I want change the Document-Format to Din-A4 and the Font-Sizes 16 pt for Titles and 14 pt for Text.

With the Dialog "Search an Replace" have I changed the Title Font-Size to 16 pt; it has work for +-50 Titles in 3-4 Seconds.

After them, I have started the Same for the Text Font-Size: now, after one hour, it work and work and work....

How long can it during for 100 pages with 10 pt Font-Size ?

See regard



I have it working over night, but it was not correct finish. I must closed Scribus. I do not know, why "Search and Replace" "Replace all" not working correct in this cause.

See regard