Incorrect orientation on uploaded image in PDF

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 Windows 10, Scribus v1.4.7, Build ID C-*-T-*-C1.8.6-Windows, Using Ghostscript version 9.06, export Compattibility=PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4)

I am using image import via a button using java script ";"  This works very well, however, depending on the image source, the image may display with incorrect orientation for the end user. I would like to add a button that end user may use to rotate uploaded image. 

I've searched the web and our Scribus Forums, for several weeks now, for a way to modify the orientation on an uploaded image in an active pdf form but just cant seem to find anything specific to this.  I have found java code to change image orientaiton (see below) but I believe this will only work on an HTML or CSS document, not a PDF form.

Does anyone know how I can add a button with the necessary code to change the orientation of the target image on the form?

I have tested these codes:

var angle = 0;
$('#button').on('click', function() {
    angle += 90;

I also tried:

    var img = $('img');
    }else if(img.hasClass('west')){
    }else if(img.hasClass('south')){
    }else if(img.hasClass('east')){

Thank you!

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